You need to be marketing for your business every single day! Your business visibility is your responsibility. If you aren’t talking about your business then who will? But what do you do if you don’t have a ton of time? That’s what this list is all about! Here are 12 ways you can market your business for free that take less than 10 minutes to do.
- Share other people’s content in your stories on Facebook and Instagram. Sharing other people’s content actually increases engagement, trust, and credibility. Share funny or interesting posts that help your audience get to know you or share posts from others that are specific to your industry to show your audience that you are staying relevant.
- Create a Google My Business page. If you don’t already have one, it’s free and a really easy way to build credibility on Google searches.
- Post to your Google My Business. You can post to it kind of like a social media page. It’s great for SEO and strengthening your brand identity.
- Make a post in a Facebook group. Groups are a great way to connect directly to your potential customers. Post a question to increase engagement and help you start new relationships that can lead to life-time customers.
- Record a short video about one thing you love about your business, and POST IT. It is so easy to over think video but right now video is king and is a huge benefit to your business. Keep it simple and under a minute and just post it with minimal to no editing. You got this! It’s all about practicing and getting comfortable online.
- Pretend you are your customer and Google search for help. The best way to learn about your customer journey is to pretend to be a customer. Imagine you are someone who needs your business. What are you searching on Google? What are you looking for? How are you currently solving your pain? If your website or social media don’t show up in your Google search make a note to learn more about how to be seen on the first few results.
- Send a quick email to your email list. Again, don’t over think this! It doesn’t have to be perfect it just needs to be sent. Here is a template you can use:
- Hey there!
- Thank you so much for being a part of my community! We love serving you! I just wanted to reach out and let you know that … [insert available hours, an event, or a product you want to highlight]. If you’re looking for support for …[insert insight on their particular pain] this is an amazing resource. Please reach out if you’d like more information of if you have any questions! Can’t wait to connect!
- All the best!
- Search for 4 key words or phrases and add them to your website. Here are a couple of my favorite websites to use to find key words and phrases for your SEO.
- Google Trends –
- Sparktoro –
- Answer the Public –
- Go into your website and change the name of your images to include key words and phrases. You’ll have to reupload them but it’s great for SEO. Google can pick it up and it will put your site higher on the search results.
- Post something interactive in your stories. This can be a poll or a survey or just a question. Something simple that your audience can easily engage with. Polls and questions also do really well on LinkedIn.
- Send a text to one of your customers and ask them for a review. Here is a template for how to do that:
- Hi [insert name],
- I had such an amazing time working with you! I appreciate your support as I am growing my business. If you have some time this week, I am working on a goal to get 5 new reviews before the end of this week. If you enjoyed our time together, please use this link to leave me a quick review: [insert link]
- Thank you so much for your time! I hope you have an amazing week!
- Go to Pinterest and pin stuff to your business Pinterest board. Pinterest, my friend, is super powerful for your business. Make sure that your boards on Pinterest are not just full of your own pins but they have a variety of other pins. It helps your SEO, and it strengthens your credibility.
Which of these did you like the most? Which are you excited to try? If you are looking for more insight and ideas for how to grow your business, check out our other articles here: