Soul Seed Academy
All the help you need! We completely take the
overwhelm of your business away!
Little Soul Seed
The Cost of Perfectionism: Letting “Failure” Take the Lead
“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” – Samuel Beckett Characterized by their high standards, attention to detail, and strong
Abundance: You’ve Already Got It
“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.” – Wayne Dyer We’ve all been there. One minute you’re casually scrolling through
The Bonds Beyond Banking: A Guide to Fostering Relationships That Yield Results
Are your ideas starting to feel like they’re in an echo-chamber? When you sit down to map out your success, does it always begin and
Our Projects
You don’t need lots of money to be able to pay people to build your business for you. You need someone to show you how and do it WITH YOU. This not only saves you thousand of dollars but then YOU know how to create and direct the busines of your dreams with confidence!
We release newsletter every month and we’ll also share other opportunities we think you’ll find valuable. We didn’t want anyone left out so here’s our newsletters for the past months.
Soul Seed Academy Book Club
Every month, we gather to discuss an amazing book. Here’s what we’ve studied and what’s coming up in the future!
Real Love by Greg Baer
Learn the life changing difference and healing that comes when you understand the difference between conditional and unconditional love.
(spoiler alert - its truly not what you think)
The Miracle Morning
This book shares 6 simple steps that have the ability to increase productivity, improve personal growth in all areas of your life. It presents and encourages a simple routine that can have a lifelong impact on your life.