Little Soul Seeds

The Best 5 Things To Do Everyday to Grow Your Business
Not everyday is perfect. Most days are filled with distractions and meetings. But every day there are 5 things I always spend at least a

How to Manage Your Time for Your Business and Your Family
Does this ever happen to you? It’s Monday and you have a full list of things that need to be finished by the end of

Preventing Burnout: How to Invest in Yourself and Your Business
Working with female entreprenuers over the last few years has been absolutely wonderful! Women are powerful. The way they love and support is unmatched. However,

How to market more than one type of customer
I once took a very expensive training where the instructor adamantly taught that a business could not serve more than one type of customer. However I

The Top 5 Lies We Tell Ourselves that Squash Business
If you’ve read the title then you know, we’re talking about the beliefs that destroy business before you even get a chance to start. We

Business Wisdom
Imagine yourself as the captain of your very own row boat. In your row boat, you work super hard. Every little inch forward is won by

Imposter Syndrome
I started my first business at 9. The daisy café. A delightful little establishment set up in my sister’s bedroom serving food I made my

6 Tips for Building or Strengthening Brand Identity
Here at Soul Seed Academy, we are just wrapping up our first Brand Expression Project Cohort. The process has been mind-blowing. It has been life