Little Soul Seeds

Listen and Loves: Show Your Clients You Care
At Soul Seed Academy, we believe that women build businesses differently. We believe that women owned businesses are businesses that are motivated by how many

Elevating Growth and Community: What’s Happening With Soul Seed Academy in 2024?
Get ready for the year of growth! 2024 is looking to be a total game-changer for Soul Seed Academy. We’re about to embark on a

Quick and Easy Marketing Ideas For Busy Moms
You need to be marketing for your business every single day! Your business visibility is your responsibility. If you aren’t talking about your business then

The Most Important Elements to Have On Your Website
Your website is the most important asset to have as a business owner. You need to have complete control over what content is on your

The Best Books for Female Entrepreneurs
So you’re thinking about building a business? What a great idea! You’re gonna be great at that! Oh you’re not exactly sure where to start?

What is relationship marketing?
Brené Brown once said “courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” It’s your responsibility to get your business seen by your audience. But

Steps to Land Your Dream Client
Landing your dream client is huge for you as an entrepreneur. You don’t actually have a business until you’ve sold your product at least once.

Building a business steps 1-3: Market, Product, Team
Imagine you are sitting down in your home and you start thinking again about your business dream. The business you want to build if you

Why Networking is Important for Entrepreneurs
Networking is a scary word that really just means getting to know other business owners in your local area or through platforms like LinkedIn or

Top 10 Business Tips for Your First Business
Are you thinking of starting a business? Are you already overwhelmed by the idea? You’re not the only one! We know how you feel. Women build

Marketing Made Easy: The 3 Steps to Successful Marketing
For those of us you are ready to get the show on the road, here are the 3 best steps to marketing that actually work.

Incredible Programs for Small Businesses to Save Time and Money
Everyone has a different relationship with technology. Either it’s your best friend and it works for you all the time or you’re like me and