Soul Seed Academy

Expert Highlight

McCain Kennedy

The Champion of Digital Marketing

Business Name:

Set Fire Creative

Contact info:
(801) 376-5623

Based Out Of:

Orem, UT

Area Served:



McCain specializes in helping businesses grow through digital marketing.

Why do we love Him?

McCain is a social media master! He has helped businesses go from no followers to thousands of followers faster than anyone we have ever seen. He is a wonderful person. He takes his time with every interaction to make sure everyone is on the same page. He loves sharing tips and advice with small businesses to help them get real traction.

When you should call Him:

Give McCain a call or send him an email when you are ready to accomplish your really big marketing goals.

How does He stand out?

Set Fire Creative, McCain’s Company, has won awards for the growth they have built for their clients. His company has so many services ranging from organic social media, SEO marketing, and landing pages. He is so knowledgeable about digital marketing and his numbers are insane. One of the businesses he worked with increased profit by more than 300% in just 4 months!

How to start a conversation with Him:

McCain is easy to talk to. Give him a call and say this “Hi! I heard about you and your incredible company through Soul Seed Academy. I would love to learn more. I am ready to grow and I think digital marketing is the answer.”

What is music to his ears?

McCain loves hearing your story. He loves hearing about why you do what you do and how you got started. He is so excited to show you off to your ideal clients so tell him everything about your business and how it can help people.

$$ Investment

Pricing for the majority of his services is $750 a month.
Learn more by visiting!

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